For me, a great day is when I’m solving an important business problem. When I get into the flow of it and time just seems to zip by because I’m loving the work, zoning in and just being able to focus. The days when I have those problems, I don’t even feel like I’m working at all, I feel like I’m just solving a sudoku or playing with an interesting Rubik’s cube.
Bad days on the other hand are ones where I am aware that I am staring at a computer screen. When rather than figuring out the answer to the problem, I am the third person chasing someone for a response to messages, or I am having to learn something that I don’t want to know, but need in order to make a start on the problem.
One of the parts of DevOps that is most often overlooked is that part of the job is finding ways to improve the job, how do we get more people doing the work that comprises a great day and less of the stuff that makes a bad day?